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Demographics Batch Service


Use this batch message integration to submit a file of patient information to the Spine for tracing against the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) for direct care purposes.

The service is provided for organisations that do not want to write their own software - typically NHS trusts or local authorities.

It returns a limited set of PDS data items, as for PDS SMSP.

It requires PDS access approval before you can use it.

You can:

install a DBS client in a secure location, for example in a server room not a desktop PC

download and complete the DBS End Point Registration form (see interactions below) and submit it to the DBS Implementation Team at [email protected]. You should receive endpoint information within 7 days.

submit a test file to DBS to confirm connectivity over Secure FTP

use the DBS client to submit batch trace requests and receive batch responses to them

DBS requires a secure network connection. It is an offline service so does not require smartcards.


Demographics Batch Service documentation

